Nel corso dei tempi si è assistito, nel campo della catalogazione degli oggetti celesti, ad una continua evoluzione.
Da un lato la sempre migliorata tecnologia ha consentito maggiori precisioni e dall’altra le conoscenze acquisite hanno imposto più attente attribuzioni di classi e categorie d’appartenenza per gli oggetti sotto osservazione.

Si è pertanto passati dalla compilazione di cataloghi misti o comunque generici alla elencazione di specifiche o determinate categorie di oggetti.
Parallelamente vi è stato un sensibile guadagno in termini astrometrici, fondamentale per l’identificazione e lo studio di sorgenti sempre più deboli quali sono quelle di cui vanno a caccia i moderni astronomi.


Così, tra i tanti, si è passati dalle grossolane coordinate del Catalogo di galassie di REIZ (anno 1941 – precisione media di 1′) a quelle estremamente precise (0″.1) dell’ SDSS. D’altra parte il progredire tecnologico porta inevitabilmente ad accumulare scoperte in numero sempre maggiore per cui la precisione di identificazione si impone da sé.
La disponibilità di un numero sempre maggiore di cataloghi porta, come ovvia conseguenza, al ricorso alle abbreviazioni e comunque agli acronimi onde evitare inutili prolissità nella stesura di lavori scientifici o di semplici articoli.
Già qualche tempo fa, tra le righe di questa rubrica, avevamo accennato al fatto che gli astronomi, gli astrofili ed i semplici divulgatori ricorrono con sempre maggiore frequenza agli acronimi per designare uno specifico oggetto celeste che figuri in qualche catalogo o rassegna.
Sigle come NGC, IC, PKS, UGC, 3C si ritrovano quasi dappertutto nelle pubblicazioni a carattere astronomico ed i loro significati sono ben noti; altre, come HCG, KUV, MKW o POX lo sono molto meno in termini di notorietà e quelle tipo PHG, PBOZ, CSST o CADIS richiedono un’immediata spiegazione allorquando vengono citate o trascritte.

Ebbene, l’andare a ricercare i significati degli acronimi o delle abbreviazioni può essere un modo simpatico ed altrettanto piacevole per accostarsi all’Astronomia, scoprirne alcuni aspetti meno noti, rendersi conto delle tipologie delle strumentazioni utilizzate, cogliere -seppure non necessariamente in modo approfondito- le ragioni che hanno portato ad avviare quella determinata ricerca con quel particolare metodo ed utilizzando quello specifico strumento.
Facciamo qualche esempio.
La citata sigla SDSS (che sta per Sloan Digital Sky Survey), ci porta a scoprire che si tratta di una rassegna effettuata nel campo ottico tramite l’utilizzazione di vari filtri la cui massima trasmissibilità è centrata in ben definite regioni dello spettro, dal blu al rosso. Veniamo anche a sapere che la survey è effettuata con un apposito riflettore da 2.5m posizionato sull’Apache Point Observatory, Arizona, ed al cui fuoco sono montate ben 30 camere CCD da 2048×2048 pixels ciascuna e che i campi osservati contemporaneamente sono 6, ciascuno attraverso un singolo filtro. L’osservazione simultanea dello stesso campo con differenti filtri risulta poi utilissima per definire con maggiore rapidità l’appartenenza di un oggetto celeste a questa o quella famiglia, favorendo così nuove scoperte. E infatti la SDSS ci sta regalando un’abbondante messe di risultati con importanti scoperte nel campo dei quasars e delle nane brune, due dei settori di frontiera nella moderna Astronomia.

Per contro, una sigla come KHAV ci porta indietro nel tempo allorquando, mezzo secolo fa, l’astronomo sovietico Khavtassi si mise pazientemente a scandagliare, con un lentino manuale, le lastre della Palomar Sky Survey, ricavandone un corposo catalogo sull’identificazione, la distribuzione e le dimensioni delle nubi oscure che popolano la nostra Galassia.

Se andiamo ancora più in là nel passato, la sigla BIGO ci conduce al 1912, quando l’astronomo G. Bigourdan pubblicò, nella rivista francese “Comptes rendus”, una lista di oggetti dall’aspetto nebulare, oggetti che in seguito sarebbero stati principalmente riconosciuti e classificati come galassie.

E così, al fine di soddisfare le nostre personali curiosità, ma anche quelle di qualche altro astrofilo con analoghe manie, abbiamo pensato di raccogliere in un’apposita lista tutti gli “ACRONIMI” di cui veniamo a conoscenza, che siano riferiti ad oggetti astronomici posti al di fuori del Sistema solare e la cui natura non sia quella di semplice stella singola, binaria o multipla che sia (per le stelle stiamo preparando un’analoga lista).
I nostri oggetti sono pertanto ammassi di stelle o galassie, nebulose brillanti, oscure, planetarie, galassie, quasars, sorgenti radio, infrarosse, ultraviolette, x e gamma, residui di supernovae, oggetti Herbig-Haro, regioni HII e così via.


Molto semplicemente, la lista è composta da cinque colonne così individuate:

colonna 1: acronimo maggiormente usato per identificare il catalogo o la rassegna di provenienza;
colonna 2: denominazione estesa;
colonna 3: banda spettrale in cui la rassegna o il catalogo sono stati ottenuti;
colonna 4: tipologie di oggetti ricercati;
colonna 5: riferimenti bibliografici originari (laddove possibile) o comunque legati all’origine delle denominazioni.

E così, per le sorgenti GGD veniamo a sapere che si tratta di oggetti tipo Herbig-Haro, osservati visualmente ed elencati dagli astronomi sovietici Gyulbudaghian, Gluskov e Denisyuk nel Volume 224 dell’Astrophysical Journal Letters (L137) pubblicato nel 1978.

Analogamente, la sigla JVAS ci dice che si tratta di una survey astrometrica condotta nel dominio radio con il radiotelescopio di Jodrell Bank e pubblicata nelle Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 254, pag. 655 del 1992.

In appendice al listato sono infine riportate le abbreviazioni internazionali maggiormente usate per indicare le più note pubblicazioni periodiche a carattere astronomico.

La tabella che segue, si riferisce agli acronimi maggiormente utilizzati in Astronomia per individuare svariate tipologie di oggetti che non siano singole stelle e che appartengano a determinati cataloghi o rassegne in vari dominii spettrali.

000 V 000 VLA source Rd Extragalactics AJ 102, 1258 -1991-
1 Jy 1 Jansky Rd Miscellaneous A&AS 45, 367 -1981, A&AS 105, 211 -19
19W… Wouterloot V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 36, 323 -1979- and segg.
1E First Einstein Catalogue X Miscellaneous ApJ 234, L1 -1979-
1ES Einstein IPC Slew survey X Extragalactics ApJS 80, 257-1992-
1H A-1 X-Ray Source Catalogue X Miscellaneous ApJS 56, 507 -1984- ApJS 72, 471 –
1RXS ROSAT X-ray Source (Bright Source Catalogue) X Miscellaneous IUA Circ. 6420 -1996- and segg.
1SAX 1 Small Astronomical X-ray satellite X Miscellaneous
2A Second Ariel 5 Catalogue X Miscellaneous MNRAS 182, 489 -1978-, ADC CD-ROM Vol. 1, ApJS 72, 471 -1990-
2C Second Cambridge Radio Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous MRAS 67, 106 -1955-
2CG COS-B Gamma Gamma Miscellaneous ApJ 243, L69 -1981-
2E Second Einstein Catalogue X Miscellaneous Harris, D.E. et al. -1990, The Einstein Observatory Catalog of IPC X-ray Sources – S.A.O.; McDowell J. S.A.O. CD-Rom Ser. I, 18-36, -1994-
2EG Second EGRET Catalogue Gamma Miscellaneous ApJS 101, 259 -1995-; ApJS 107, 227 -1997-; AAS CD-ROM Volls. 6+9
2EGS Second EGRET Catalogue Supplement Gamma Miscellaneous ApJS 107, 227 -1996-
2EU Second EUVE Catalogue UV Miscellaneous ApJS 102, 129 -1996-
2H A-1 Intermediate Sensitivity Survey X Miscellaneous ApJS 61, 353 -1986-
2RE ROSAT second all-sky survey X Extragalactics MNRAS 274, 1165 -1995-
2U Second Uhuru X-Ray Source Catalogue X Miscellaneous
3A Third Ariel 5 Catalogue X Miscellaneous MNRAS 197, 893 -1981-, ADC CD-ROM Vol. 1
3C Third Cambridge Radio Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous MRAS 68, 37 -1959- and segg.
3U Third Uhuru X-Ray Source Catalogue X Miscellaneous
4C Fourth Cambridge Radio Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous MRAS 69, 183 -1965- and segg.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
4U Fourth Uhuru X-Ray Sources Catalogue X Miscellaneous ApJS 38, 357 -1978-, ADC CD-ROM Vol. 1
53W, 55W Westerbork survey SA 53 and 55 Rd Objects in SA 53 e 55 Ph. D. Thesis Leiden 1984 and segg.
5C Fifth Cambridge Radio Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 134, 189 -1966- and segg.
6C Sixth Cambridge Radio Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous Baldwin et al. 1985; Hales et al. 1988/93; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
7C Seventh Cambridge Radio Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 246, 110 -1990-; A&AS 110, 419 -1995-
87GB 1987 Green Bank Radio Sources Catalogue Rd Extragalactics NRAO CD-ROM
8C Eighth Cambridge Radio Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous Hales et. Al. 1995; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
8ZW Eight Zwicky List of Compact Galaxies V Compact galaxies AJ 80, 545 -1975-
A Abell clusters V Clusters of galaxies ApJS 3, 211 -1958-; ApJS -1989-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
A1 Asiago list 1 V Blue objects Pubbl. Oss. Astr. Padova 143 -1968-
A2 Asiago list 2 V Blue objects Astrophys. And Space Sci. 16, 324 -1972-
A3 Asiago list 3 V Blue objects A&AS 13, 269 -1974-
A4 Asiago list 4 V Blue objects A&AS 61, 163 -1985-
AB A. Braccesi V Quasars A&A 5, 264 -1970- and segg.
ABELL Planetary Nebulae V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 144, 259 -1966-
ACK Acker V Planetary Nebulae Private comm. -1975-
ACO Abell, Corwin and Ollowin V Clusters of galaxies ApJS
ADG Altenhoff, Downes and Goad Rd Galactic plane objects A&AS 1, -1970-
AFGL Air Force Geophysical Laboratory IR Miscellaneous AFGL Tech. Rep. 83, 0161 -1983-, Ed. Price S.D. and Murdock, T.L.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 1
AGC Arecibo General Catalogue Rd Galaxies AJ 87, 1668 -1999-
AGU (AG) Aguero V Peculiar southern galaxies PASP 83, 310 -1971-
AH Aveni and Hunter V Open clusters
AH (H) A. Hoag V Quasars IAU Symp. 119, 47 -1986-
AJG A.J. Green Rd Galactic plane objects A&AS 18, 267 -1974-
AKN Arakelian V Galaxies Soobs. Byurak.Obs. Akad. Nauk. Aum. SSR, 47, 1; AJ 86, 820 -1981-
Al Allen V Planetary Nebulae Observatory 93, 85 -1973- and segg.
ALM A. Lemarne Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 139, 461 -1968
Alt Alter V Open clusters MNRAS 100, 387 -1940- and segg.
ALW Azzopardi, Lequeux and Westerlund V Quasars A&A 144, 388 -1985-
AM Arp and Madore V Miscellaneous ApJ 227, L103 -1979-
AMES Ames V Nebulae and Galaxies Harv. Ann. 88, 1 -1932-
AMWW Altenhoff, Mezger, Wendker and Westerhout Rd Galactic plane objects Publ. Univ. Bonn Obs. 59, 1960
An Anonymous V Galaxies RC2 -1976-
AND van den Bergh V Satellite Galaxies of M 31 ApJ 171, 231 -1972-
ANT Antalova V Open clusters
AO Arecibo Occultation Rd Miscellaneous ApJ 148, 669 -1967- e segg
Ap Apriamasvili V Planetary Nebulae Astron. Zurn. 39, 256 -1962- and segg.
APM Cambridge Automated Plate Measuring Machine Catalogue V Quasars Spectrum 2, 14 -1994-
AR Astronomer Royal V Nebulae and Galaxies MNRAS 71, 509 -1910-
ARC Abell Rich Clusters V Clusters of galaxies ApJS 3, 211 -1958-
ARG A.R. Gillespie Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 166, 11p -1974-
ARO Algonquin Radio Observatory Rd Planetary Nebulae Publ. Domin. Obs. Vol. 1, 1 -1971-
ARP Arp V Peculiar Galaxies ApJS 14, 1 -1966-
AS Additional Stars with h-alfa V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 112, 72 -1950-
Asi Asiago V Quasars Mem. S.A.It. 53, 511 -1982-
ASI Asiago objects V Blue objects A&AS 106, 303 -1994-
ASS Associations -Catalogue of star clusters and- V Star clusters Akad. Kiado Budapest -1970-
ASV Angonin-Willaime, Soucail and Vanderriest V Quasars A&A 291, 411 -1994-
ATESP Australia Telescope ESO Slice Project Rd Miscellaneous A&AS 146, 31 -2000-
Au Auner V Open clusters
AWM Albert, White and Morgan V Poor clusters of Galaxies ApJ 211, 309 -1977-
AX ASCA X-ray sources V Quasars MNRAS 291, 203 -1997-
B Barnard V Dark Nebulae Carnegie Inst. Wash. 247 -1927-
B Braccesi V Extragalactics ApJ 152, L105 -1968-, A&AS 106, 303 -1994-
B1 Braccesi Rd Extragalactics Nuovo Cimento 40, 267 -1965-
B1S Braccesi Rd Extragalactics Nuovo Cimento 40, 268 -1965-
B2.1 Second Bologna radio survey -part 1 Rd Extragalactics A&AS 1, 281 -1970-
B2.2 Second Bologna radio survey -part 2 Rd Extragalactics A&AS 7, 1 -1972-
B2.3 Second Bologna radio survey -part 3 Rd Extragalactics A&AS 11, 291 -1973-
B2.4 Second Bologna radio survey -part 4 Rd Extragalactics A&AS 18, 147 -1974-
B3 Third Bologna radio survey Rd Extragalactics A&AS 59, 255 -1985-
Ba Baade V Planetary Nebulae PASP 47, 99 -1935-
BAA Baade V Emission Nebulae in M 31 ApJ 139, 1027 -1964-
BAK 1-2 Baker V Galaxies in FOR and ERI Harv. Ann. 88, 77 e 163 -1933/37-
Bark Barkhatova V Open clusters Astron. Zurn. 27, 181 -1950-
Basel Basel V Open clusters
BB Bahcall and Bahcall V Galaxies PASP 82, 1276 -1970-
BC Barbieri and Capaccioli V Quasars Pubbl. Oss. Astr. Padova -1974-
BCh Balkowski and Chamaraux V Dwarf Galaxies A&AS 51, 331 -1983-
BCL Boulesteix, Courtes et al. V Objects in M 33 A&A 37, 33 -1974-
BD A/B Blum and Davis Lists A and B Rd Extragalactics Astrophys. Lett. 2, 41 -1968-
BDFL Bridle, Davis, Fomalont and Lequeux Rd Extragalactics AJ 77, 405 -1972- and segg.
Be Bergvall V Interacting Galaxies Upps. Astr. Obs. Rep. 19 -1981-
Be Bernes V Bright Nebulae A&AS 29, 65 -1977-
BEM Bertola e Maffei Rd Galaxies A&A 32, 87 -1974-
BEN Bennett Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 127, -1963-
BERK Berkeley V Open clusters
BF Braccesi Faint uv-excess objects UV Extragalactics A&AS 39, 129-1980
BFG Braccesi, Formiggini and Gandolfi UV Extragalactics A&A 5, 264 -1970- and segg.
BFGS Braccesi, Formiggini and Gioia UV Galaxies PASP 84, 592 -1972-
BFL Borngen, Friedrich and Lenk V Blue objects near M 31 Mitt. Karl Schw. Obs. Taut. 50, 1970-
BFS Blitz, Fich and Stark Rd HII Regions ApJS 49, 183 -1982-
BG Bologna Galaxies Rd Extragalactics A&AS 16, 43 -1974-
BG (BG KPN, BG CFH) B. Gaston V Quasars ApJ 272, 411 -1983-
BIGO Bigourdan V Nebulae and Galaxies Comptes rendus 155, 1049 -1912-
Biur Biurakan V Open clusters
BK Biurakan V Dwarf Galaxies
BK Beard and Kerr Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. 22,121 -1969-
Bl Blanco V Planetary Nebulae Contr. Bosscha Obs. 13 -1961- and segg.
Blanco Blanco V Open clusters PASP 61, 183 -1949-
BlDz Blaauw and Danziger V Planetary Nebulae A&A 44, 469 -1975-
BM B. Manchester Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 12 -1969-
BoBn Boeshaar and Bond V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 213, 421 -1977-
Boch Bochum V Open clusters Boch. Strasb. Cat. 1977
BOL Boller Rd Quasars Astron. Nach. 310, 187 -1989-
BON Bond V Variable Galaxies ApJ 174, L163 -1972- and segg.
BOR Borngen V Blue objects Mitt. Karl Schw. Obs. Taut. 28, 1966-
BP Bailey-Pooley Survey Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 138, 51 -1968-
BR Blue Red V Quasars ApJ 468, 121 -1996-
BRI Blue Red and Infrared V-IR Quasars ApJ 468, 121 -1996-
BRON Bronkalla V Blue objects Astr. Nach. 292, 263 -1971-
BSO Blue Stellar Object V Quasars ApJ 142, 412 -1965-
BTD Beard, Thomas and Day Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 11 -1969-
BTS V Dwarf Galaxies
BV Bohm-Vitense V Planetary Nebulae PASP 68, 430 -1956-
BVF (BF) Braccesi, Vigotti and Formiggini V Quasars (A&AS 39, 129 -1980-)
BW Bohuski and Weedman V Quasars ApJ 231, 653 -1979-
BW Berkhuijsen and Wielebinski Rd M 31 objects A&A 34, 173 -1974-
CADIS Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey V Quasars ApJ 523, 100 -1999- (A&A 343, 399 -1999-; Meisenheimer et al.: The Early Universe with the VLT – Springer 165, -1997-)
CAR Carpenter V Galaxies in CNC PASP 43, 247 -1931-
CB Corona Borealis V Quasars ApJS 111, 1 -1997-
CB Clemens and Barvainis V Small Dark Nebulae ApJS 68, 257 -1988-
CBS Case Blue Stars UV Stars and quasars ApJS 51, 171 -1983- and segg.
CC Clark and Clifford Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. 27, 713 -1974-
CED Cederblad V Diffuse Nebulae Lund Ann. Ser. 2, n. 119 -1946-
CF Control Field (at position 1549+48) V Quasars A&A 109, 101 -1982-
CFHT Canada France Hawaii Telescope objects V Extragalactics (MNRAS 278, 95 -1996-)
CFRS Canada-France Redshift Survey V Galaxies ApJ 455, 75 -1995-
CG Cometary Globules V Dark Nebulae MNRAS 175, 19P -1976- and segg.
CG Case Galaxies UV Galaxies ApJS 51, 171 -1983- and segg.
CGCG (ZWG) Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies V Galaxies and Clusters Cal. Tech. Press. -1961- and segg. Volls. 1-6; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
CGMW Catalogue of Galaxies behind the Milky Way IR Galaxies Kyoto University Contributions, -1991- and segg.
CHR Christie V Galaxies in LEO PASP 43, 350 -1931-
CiPg Caloi and Panagia V Planetary Nebulae A&A 36, 139 -1974-
CJ1 First Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey Rd Extragalactics ApJS 98, 1 -1995-; AAS CD-ROM Volls. 4-5
CJ2 Second Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey Rd Extragalactics ApJS 95, 345 -1994-; AAS CD-ROM Vol. 4
CJF Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat spectrum sources Rd Extragalactics ApJS 107, 37 -1996-
Cl Cluster of galaxies V Clusters of galaxies ApJ 263, 533 -1982- and segg.
CL Clark Lake Rd Miscellaneous AJ 80, 931 -1975-
CL Cygnus Loop Rd Objects in CYG A&A 28, 197 -1973-
CL Cygnus Loop V Blue objects
CLASS Corsmic Lens All-Sky Survey Rd Extragalactics (AJ 87, 658 -1999-)
CM Cheriguene and Monnet V Objects in LMC A&A 16, 28 -1972-
Cn Cannon V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Circ. 224 -1921- and segg.
CnMy Cannon and Mayall V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Bull. 908, 20 -1938-
CNOC Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology V Clusters of galaxies ApJS 102, 269 -1996-
CoMaC Coyne and Mac Connell V Planetary Nebulae Vatican Obs. Publ. Vol. 2, n. 6, 73 -1983-
COU Courtes V Nebulae Comptes rendus 232, 795 -1951-
CPG Catalogue of Pair of Galaxies V Double Galaxies Soob. Spetz. Astrofiz. Obs. 7, 3 -1972- and segg.
Cr Collinder V Open clusters Lund Obs. Ann. N. 2 -1931-
CR Crowther Rd Extragalactics Crowther, J.H. Ph. D. Dissertation 1966 -Cambridge
CR Chincarini and Rood V Galaxies in PER ApJ 168, 321 -1971-
CRBB McCarthy, Rich, Becker and Butler V Planetary Nebulae ApJ -1992-
CRSS Cambridge ROSAT Serendipity Survey Rd-X Quasars MNRAS 285, 511 -1997-
CS Courtes and Sivan V HII Regions Astrophys. Lett. 11, 159 -1972-
CS Clowes and Savage V Quasars MNRAS 204, 365 -1983-
CSO Case Stellar Objects UV Stars and quasars ApJS 51, 171 -1983- and segg.
CSRG V Galaxies in clusters (ApJS 96, 39 -1995-)
CSST Cappellaro, Sabbadin, Salvadori and Turatto V Planetary Nebulae The Mess. 64, 39 -1991-
CT Campusano and Torres UV Quasars AJ 88, 1304 -1983-
CTA Caltech list A Rd Miscellaneous PASP 72, 237 -1960-
CTB Caltech list B Rd Galactic plane objects Caltech Radio Obs. Rep. 2, 1960/63-; PASP 72, 331 -1960-
CTCV Calan-Tololo Cataclysmic Variables V Variable stars (A&A 350, 379 -1999-)
CTD Caltech list D Rd Miscellaneous Publ. Owens Valley Radio Obs. 1, n. 2, 1 -1965-
CTIO Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory V Planetary Nebulae ApJS 32, 217 -1976-
CTQ Calan-Tololo Quasar V Quasars Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis.31, 119 -1995-
CTS Cappellaro, Turatto and Sabbadin V Planetary Nebulae Proc. IAU Symp. 131, 61 -1987-
CTS Calan-Tololo Survey V Extragalactics ApJS 69, 353 -1989-; A&AS 89, 389 -1991- and segg.
CTSS Cappellaro, Turatto, Salvadori and Sabbadin V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 86, 503 -1990-
CUDSS Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey Rd Galaxies AJ 120, 2244 -2000-
CUL Culgoora Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 27 -1973- and segg.
Cz Czernik V Open clusters Acta Astron. 16, 93 -1966-
D 000-00 Dwarf V Dwarf Galaxies AJ 103, 1107 -1992-
Da Danks IR Open clusters -1982
DA Dominion Radio Observatory Survey, List A Rd Miscellaneous AJ 73, 135 -1968-
DB Dominion Radio Observatory Survey, List B Rd Miscellaneous AJ 73, 8 and 717 -1968-
DC Dressler Cluster V Clusters of galaxies ApJS 42, 565 -1980-
DCC Day, Caswell and Cooke Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 25, -1972-
DCL Dickens, Currie and Lucey V Galaxies in CEN MNRAS 220, 679 -1986-
Dd (Do) Dolidze V Planetary Nebulae Astron. Tsirk. 629, 6 -1971-
DDHW Danziger, Dopita, Hawarden and Webster V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 220, 458 -1978-
DDO David Dunlap Observatory V Dwarf Galaxies Publ. D.D.O. 5, 147 -1959-; AJ 71, 992 -1966-
DeHt Dengel and Hartl V Planetary Nebulae A&A 85, 356 -1980-
DEM Davies, Elliott and Meaburn V H-alfa objects in LMC MRAS 81, 89 -1976-
DF Deep Field Rd Extragalactics AJ 93, 805 -1987-
DG Dorschner and Gurtler Rd Reflection Nebulae Astr. Nach. 287, 257 -1964-
DGVW Davis, Gelato-Volders and Westerhout Rd Miscellaneous Bull. Astr: Inst. Nether. 18, 42 -1965-
DH Daves and Hazard Rd Galactic plane objects MNRAS 124, 147 -1962-
DHM Durham sources V Quasars Nat. 303, 156 -1983-
DHW Dengel, Hartl and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae Mitt. Astron. Gesell. 45, 182 -1979- and segg.
DKM D.K. Milne Rd Supernovae remnants Austr. J. Phys. 24, -1971-
DM Downes and Maxwell Rd Galactic center objects ApJ 146, -1966-
DMS Deep Multicolor Survey UBVRI Miscellaneous (ApJ 462, 614 -1996-); ApJS 104, 185 -1996-
DN Duus and Newall V Groups of Galaxies ApJS 35, 209 -1977-
Do Dolidze V Open clusters Astron. Miches. Cirk. 224, 18 -1961-
DoDz (DdDm) Dolidze and Dzhimsheleisvili V Open clusters and Planetary Nebulae Astron. Miches. Cirk. 385, 7 -1966-
DR Downes and Rinehart Rd Objects in CYG ApJ 144, 937 -1966-
DRAO Dominion Radio Astronomical Observatory Rd Miscellaneous NNRAS 274, 324 -1995-
DS Deep Survey (Einstein Observatory) X Quasars ApJ 374, 440 -1991-
DS 1 D. Kilkenny and Spencer V Planetary Nebulae Observatory 108, 1084 -1988-
DS 2 Drilling J.S. V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 270, L13 -1983-
DSS Digitized Sky Survey V Galaxies 1992, Digitized Optical Sky Survey – Kluwer
DTG Day, Thomas and Goss Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 11 -1969-
DUN Duncan V Nebulae ApJ 57, 137 -1923-
DuRe Duerbeck and Reipurth V Planetary Nebulae A&A 231, L11 -1990-
DV.55 de Vaucouleurs V Emission Nebulae near South Pole Observatory 75, 129 -1955-
DV.56 de Vaucouleurs V Bright southern Galaxies Mem. Of the Commonwealth Obs. Vol. 3, n. 3 -1956-
DVDV de Vaucouleurs and de Vaucouleurs V Bright southern Galaxies MRAS 68, 69 -1961- and segg.
DW Dwingeloo-Green Bank Rd Miscellaneous Bull. Astr. Inst. Netherl. 19, 201 -1967-
DWB Dickel, Wendker and Bieritz V HII Regions in CYG-X A&A 1, 270 -1969-
DWC Day, Warne and Cooke Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Suppl. 13, -1970-
E Einstein X Miscellaneous ApJ 234, L1 -1979-
EGB Ellis, Grayson and Bond V Planetary Nebulae PASP 96, 283 -1984-
ELAIS (Na, Nb, S) Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 302, 222 -1999-; MNRAS 305, 297 -1999-
EM (Em) Emission V Emission line objects in SA 158 PASP 73, 264 -1961-
EMSS (MS) Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey X Miscellaneous ApJS 72, 567 -1990-; Stocke et al. 1991, Astrophys. Lett. & Comm. 29, 267 -1994-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
EQS Edinburgh Quasar Survey V Quasars (ApJ 511, 612 -1999-)
ESO ESO-UPPSALA Survey of the ESO Atlas V Miscellaneous A&AS 18, 463 -1974-; A&AS 31, 15 -1978- and segg.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
EUVE Extreme UltraViolet Explorer X Miscellaneous AJ 107, 751 -1993-; AAS CD-ROM Volls. 2-3
EXMS EXOSAT Medium energy Slew survey X Miscellaneous A&AS 134, 287 -1999-
EXO (EX) Exosat X Miscellaneous (ApJ 378, 77 -1991-)
F Faint source UBV Quasars ApJS 76, 23 -1991- and segg.
F 000-00 Faint V Faint Galaxies AJ 103, 1107 -1992-
F855, 61, 64 Faint quasar UBV Quasars MNRAS 251, 482 -1991-
FAIR (FAI) Fairall V Galaxies Mon. Not. Astr. Soc. S. Afr. 27, 67 -1968- and segg.
FAQS FIRST-APM Quasar Survey Quasars Chavushyan et al.: astro-ph/9911284 -2000-
FATH Fath V Nebulae and Galaxies AJ 28, 75 -1914-
FBQS FIRST Bright Quasar Survey Rd Quasars AJ 112, 407 -1997-
FBS First Byurakan Survey V Extragalactics ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
FCC Fornax Cluster Catalogue V Galaxies in FOR AJ 98, 367 -1989-
Fein Feinstein V Open clusters PASP 78, 301 -1966- and segg.
FG Faint Galaxy V Dwarf Galaxies
Fg Fleming V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Circ. 158 -1910- and segg.
FIRST Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty Rd Miscellaneous ApJ 450, 559 -1995-; ApJ 475, 479 -1997-
FIT.G Fitzgerald V Galaxies in PUP A&A 31, 467 -1974-
FJ Finlay and Jones Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. 26, 389 -1973-
Fro Frolov V Open clusters Izv. Glav. Astron. Obs, Pulkovo 195 -1977-
FRO Fleurs Radio Observatory Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. 26, 389 -1973-
FS Faint Source V Dwarf Galaxies
FV Freeman and de Vaucouleurs V Ring Galaxies ApJ 194, 569 -1974-
G1 Gyulbudaghian V Candidate Herbig-Haro objects Sov. Astron. Lett. 8, 123 -1982-
G2 Gyulbudaghian V Candidate Herbig-Haro objects Astrofizika 20, 631 -1984-
GB Green Bank Rd Extragalactics Acta Astron. 22, 227 -1972-
GB2 Green Bank Second Survey Rd Extragalactics Acta Astron. 28, 367 -1978-
GB6 Green Bank Sixth Survey Rd Extragalactics AAS CD-ROM Vol. 6; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
GC NRAO 5 GHz Radio Survey (Green Bank list C) Rd Extragalactics AJ 76, 980 -1971- and segg.
GCL Globular Cluster V Star clusters Akad. Kiado Budapest -1970-
GD Goss and Day Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 13, -1970-
GEA Georgelin V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 6, 349 -1970- and segg.
GF Globular Filament V-IR Filamentary Dark Nebulae ApJS 41, 87 -1979-
GGD Gyulbudaghian, Gluskov and Denisyuk V Herbig-Haro objects ApJ 224, L137 -1978-
GJJC Gillett, Jacoby, Joyce and Cohen V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 338, 862 -1989-
GLMP Garcia-Lario, Manchado, Pych and Pottasch V Planetary Nebulae A&A -1996-
GM Gasparian V Planetary Nebulae Astrofizika 28, 679 -1988-
GM Gyulbudaghian and Magakyan V Nebulae cometarie Sov. Astron. Lett. 3, 58 -1977-
GM Gardner and Morimoto Rd HII Regions australi Austr. J. Phys. 21, 881 -1968-
GMP Godwin, Metcalfe and Peach V Galaxies in Coma cluster MNRAS 202, 113 -1983-
GN G. Nicolson Rd Galactic plane objects PASP 77, 260 -1965-
GN (NeVeGN) Galactic Nebulae V Nebulae Neckel and Vehrenberg, Treugesell Verlag 1985
Gr Graff V Open clusters
GR G. Reaves V Dwarf Galaxies in VIR AJ 61, 69 -1956-
Gra Graham V Open clusters AJ 75, 703 -1970-
Grasd Grasdalen V Open clusters A&A 43, 259 -1975-
GS Goss and Shaver Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 14, 1 -1970-
Gum Gum V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 338, 155 -1955-
GV Grueff and Vigotti Rd Miscellaneous Astrophys. Lett. 2, 113 -1968-
H Haro V Planetary Nebulae PASP 63, 144 -1951- and segg.
H Herschel V Globular clusters
H Hoglund Rd Miscellaneous ApJS 15, 61 -1967-
H A-2 Hard x-ray, A-2 Piccinotti sample, A-2 soft x-ray, A-4 catalogue X Miscellaneous ApJS 40, 657 -1979-, ApJ 253, 485 -1982-, ApJS 51, 1 -1983-, ApJS 54, 581 -1984-, ApJS 72, 471
H80 Hintzen 1980 V Galaxies in clusters AJ 85, 626 -1980-
Ha Harvard V Open clusters
HA H. Arp Rd Extragalactics ApJ 174, L 111 -1972-
Haffner Haffner V Open clusters Astrophysik 43, 89 -1957-
Haro Haro V Objects peculiari in ORI ApJ 87, 73 -1953-
HARO Haro V Emission line Galaxies Bol. Obs. Ton. Y Tacub. Vol. 2, n. 14, 8 -1956-
HaTr (HtTr) Hartl and Tritton V Planetary Nebulae A&A 145, 41 -1985-
HAW Harrington and Wilson V Galaxies in LEO PASP 62, 118 -1950-
HAWAI Hawaii survey Quasars ApJ 432, L83 -1994-
HaWe Hartl and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 69, 519 -1987-
Hb Hubble V Planetary Nebulae PASP 33, 174 -1921-
HB Hazard and Brown Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 13, 123 -19 –
HBDS Heber and Drilling V Planetary Nebulae Mitt. Astron. Gesell. 62, 252 -1984-
HBMR Higgs, Broten, Medd and Raghavarao Rd Objects in CYG MNRAS ,367, -1964-
HC Holden and Caswell Rd Galactic plane objects MNRAS 143, 407 -1969-
HDW (HtDe) Hartl, Dengel and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae Mitt. Astron. Gesell. 60, 325 -1983-
HE Hamburg / ESO survey for bright quasars Quasars A&AS 115, 235 -1996-
HeFa (HEFE) Henize and Fairall V Planetary Nebulae IAU Symp. 103, 544 -1983-
HELW Helwan V Nebulae e Galaxies Helwan Obs.9, 69 -1909- and segg.
Hen (He3) Henize V Planetary Nebulae PASP 73, 159 -1961- and segg.
Hf Hoffleit V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Ann. 119, 37 -1953-
HFG Heckathorn, Fesen and Gull V Planetary Nebulae A&A 114, 414 -1982-
HGT Hoessel, Gunn and Thuan V Clusters of galaxies ApJ 241, 486 -1980-
HH Herbig and Haro V Herbig-Haro objects Lick Obs. Bull. 658 -1974-; Gen. Cat. Reipurth 1994
HHL Herbig Haro Like V Herbig-Haro like objects Rev. Mex. A.A. 15, 53 -1987-
HICK Hickson V Compact groups of Galaxies ApJ 255, 382 -1982-
HIG Higgs Rd Objects in CYG MNRAS 132, 67 -1966-
HIZSS HI Zoa (Zone of avoidance) Southern Survey Rd Galaxies in Southern ZOA AJ 119, 2686 -2000-
HKV Hrivanak, Kwok and Volk V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 331, 832 -1988-
HM Havlen and Moffat V Open clusters
HM Hoskins and Murdock Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 15, -1970-
HMS Humason, Mayall and Sandage V Galaxies and clusters AJ 61, 97 -1956-
HN Harvard Nebula V Nebulae and Galaxies Harv. Ann. 60, 147 -1908- and segg.
HO Holmberg V Galaxies Lund Ann. Ser. 2, Vol. 6, n. 5 -1950-
HOAG Hoag V Quasars PASP 88, 860 -1976-
HOD.60-61 Hodge V Dwarf Southern Galaxies PASP 71, 28 -1959- and segg.
HOD.72 Hodge V Dark Nebulae in LMC PASP 84, 365 -1972-
HODG Hodge V Globular clusters in LMC ApJ 131, 351 -1960-
HOFF Hoffleit V Nebulae and OB Associations in CAR Harv. Ann. 119, 37 -1953-
Hogg Hogg V Open clusters Hand. Der Phys. LIII, 129 -1959-
HOLM Holmberg V Multiple Galaxies Lund Ann. 6 -1937-
HOW Hodge and Wright V Star clusters in SMC AJ 79, 858 -1974-
HP Haute Provence V Globular clusters
HPW Hodge, Pyper and Webb V Dwarf Galaxies in FOR AJ 70, 559 -1965-
HQS Hamburg Quasar Survey V Quasars A&AS 111, 195 -1995- and segg.
HR Hu and Ridgway V Reddened Galaxies AJ 107, 1303 -1994-
HR Hughes and Ruutledge Rd Galactic plane objects AJ 74, 604 -1969-
HRC Hamburg RASS Catalogue XV Miscellaneous A&AS 127, 145 -1998-
HRG Galaxies
HS Hambourg Survey V Extragalactics A&AS 111, 195 -1995- and segg.
HSE Hodge and Sexton V Star clusters in LMC AJ 71, 363 -1966-
HSN Hodge and Snow V Bright southern Galaxies AJ 80, 9 -1975-
HSS Hamburg-SAO Survey V Emission Line Galaxies A&AS 135, 511 -1999-
HST Hubble Space Telescope V Quasars (A&A 307, L53 -1996-; ApJ 453, L5 -1995-)
HSVMT Heithausen, Stacy, de Vries, Mebold and Thaddeus Rd Molecular Clouds A&A 268, 265 -1993-
Hu Humason V Planetary Nebulae PASP 33, 175 -1921- and segg.
HUB Hubble V Diffuse Nebulae ApJ 56, 162 -1922-
HuBi Hu and Bibo V Planetary Nebulae A&A 234, 435 -1990-
HuDo Hu and Dong V Planetary Nebulae Sci. Bull. Acad. Sin. 1992-
HuLo Hua and Louise V Planetary Nebulae A&A 235, 403 -1990-
HVC High Velocity Cloud Rd High Velocity Molecular Clouds C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 257, 1661 -1963-
HZ Humason and Zwicky V Stars and Blue objects ApJ 105, 85 -1947-
I ZW – VII ZW Seven Zwicky lists V Compact galaxies Zwicky, F. -1971, Catalogue of selected compact galaxies and of post-eruptive galaxies – Offsetdruck L. Speich Zuerich
IC Index Catalogue V Miscellaneous Dreyer 1895-1908- RAS
IK Israel and van der Kruit Rd HII Regions in M 33 A&A 32, 363 -1974-
IRAS Infra Red Astronomical Satellite IR Miscellaneous Beichman et al. 1985 -US Gov. Print. Off.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4; AAS CD-ROM Vol. 6
IRAS F Infra Red Astronomical Satellite Faint source IR Extragalactics IRAS FSC Cat. 1990; ADC CD-ROM Volls. 1-3-4
IRC Infra Red C IR Miscellaneous (Schmitz et al. 1987); ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
Isk Iskudarian V Open clusters Astron. Miches. Cirk. 221, 6 -1961-
ISS Isserstedt V Miscellaneous Ver. Astr. Inst. Ruhr 1, 1 -1968- and segg.
IsWe Ishida and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae A&A 178, 227 -1987-
IW3 _0000_0000 Field (CCD) _ x (pixels) _ y (pixels) V Quasars ApJ 489, 543 -1997-
J Jonckheere V Planetary Nebulae Observatory 39, 134 -1916-
JaFu Jacoby and Fullton V Planetary Nebulae AJ -1997-
JaSt Jacoby and van de Steene V Planetary Nebulae -1997
JF Jones and Finlay Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. 27, 687 -1974-
JL Jaindee and Lynga V Quasars Ark. Astron. 5, 345 -1969-
Jn Jones (Jonckheere ?) V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 109, 537 -1949- and segg.
JnEr V Planetary Nebulae PASP 89, 261 -1977-
JoDi Jones and Dickel V Planetary Nebulae BAAS 16, n. 4 -1984-
JVAS Jodrell Bank-VLA Astrometric Survey Rd Extragalactics MNRAS 254, 655 -1992-
JWST James Webb Space Telescope
K V Galaxies Groups White 1980
K 1, 2, 3, 4 Kohoutek V Planetary Nebulae Bull. Astron. Czech. 13, 120 -1962- and segg.
KAR Karachentseva V Isolated Dwarf Galaxies Soob. Spec. Astrophys. Obs. 5, 10 -1973- and segg.
KARA.68 Karachentsev V Dwarf Galaxies Publ. Byurakan Obs. 39, 61 -1968-
KARA.72 Karachentsev V Double Galaxies Astrofizika 7, 3 -1972-
KARA.73 Karachentsev V Dwarf Galaxies Astrofizika 5, 10 -1973-
KARA.73B Karachentsev V Isolated Galaxies Astrofizika 8, 3 -1973-
KAZ Kazarjan V Extragalactics Astrofizika 15, 5 -1979- and segg.
KAZ (Kj) Kazarjan V Planetary Nebulae Astrofizika 2, 371 -1966- and segg.
KC Kron and Chiu V Quasars PASP 93, 397 -1981-
Ke Kerber V Planetary Nebulae Priv. Comm. 1996
KEEL Keeler V Nebulae, Galaxies and Clusters ApJ 11, 325 -1900-
KEEN Keenan V Galaxies ApJ 83, 62 -1935-
KES Kesteven Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. 21, 369 -1968-
KFL Kinman, Feast and Lasker V Planetary Nebulae AJ 95, 804 -1988-
KHAV Khavtassi V Dark Nebulae Buyll. Abast. Astrofiz. Obs. 18, 29 -1955-
KHW Kap-Herr and Wendker Rd Miscellaneous A&A 20, 313 -1972-
KING King V Open clusters Harv. Obs. Bull. 919, 41 -1949- and segg.
KjPn Kazarjan and Parsamian V Planetary Nebulae Astron. Tsirk. 602, 6 -1971-
KK Karachentseva and Karachentsev V Local dwarf galaxies A&AS 127, 409 -1998-
KK Koo and Kron UBV Quasars A&A 105, 107 -1982-
KKC Koo, Kron and Cudworth UBV Quasars PASP 98, 285 -1986-
KKR Karachentseva, Karachentsev and Richter V Dwarf Galaxies A&AS 135, 221 -1999-
KKS Kaftan-Kassim and Sulentic Rd Extragalactics near Stephan quintet A&A 33, 343 -1974-
KLEM Klemola V Groups and Clusters of Southern Galaxies AJ 74, 804 -1969-
KLNS Kuzmin, Levchenko, Noskova and Salomonovich Rd Miscellaneous Sov. Astr. Vol. 4, n. 6 -1961-
KLW Kerber, Lercher and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae A&A -1996-
KN Konigstuhl Nebel V Galactic Nebulae Ver. Stern. Zu Heidelb. 6, 1 -1909- and segg.
KO Kazarjan and Oganesyan V Planetary Nebulae Astron. Tsirk. 753, 3 -1973-
Ko Kohoutek V Galaxies A&A 13, 493 -1971-
KOM Komesaroff Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. 19, 75 -1965-
KoRe Koester and Reimers V Planetary Nebulae A&A 223, 326 -1989-
KP Kitt Peak V Quasars ApJ 221, 468 -1978-
KPD 1/2 Kellerman, Pauliny-Toth and Davis Rd Miscellaneous Astrophys. Lett. 2, 105 -1968-
Kr Krasnogorskaja V Planetary Nebulae A.C. 230, 11 -1962-
KUG Kiso Ultraviolet Galaxies UV Galaxies Ann. Tokyo Astr. Obs. 19, 595 -1984-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
KUV Kiso Ultraviolet objects UV Stars and Quasars Ann. Tokyo Astr. Obs. 20, 130 -1984-
KW Kerber and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae Ann. Isr. Phys. Soc. 11, 193 -1994-
KW Khachikian and Weedman V Seyfert Galaxies ApJ 192, 581 -1974-
Lac Lacaille V Globular clusters
LAH L.A. Higgs Rd Objects in CYG MNRAS 132, 67 -1966-
LASS HEAO Large Area Sky Survey X Miscellaneous ApJS 56, 507 -1986-
Lat Latysev V Open clusters
LB Luyten faint Blue stars V Stars and Quasars The Observatory, Univ.Minn. Papers 1-50 -1962/1967-
LBDS Leiden Berkeley Deep Survey Rd Miscellaneous A&AS 58, 1 -1984-
LBN Lynds Bright Nebula V Bright Nebulae ApJS 7, 163 -1965-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
LBQS Large Bright Quasars Survey V Quasars AJ 109, 1498 -1995-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
LDN Lynds Dark Nebula V Dark Nebulae ApJS 7, 1 -1962-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
LH Lucke and Hodge V Star Associations in LMC AJ 75, 171 -1970-
LH 115-120 Line H-alfa V Stars and Nebulae in LMC and SMC ApJS 2, 315 -1956- and segg.
LHE Long, Hasler and Elsmore Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 125, 313 -1963-
LIN Lindsay V Stars and Planetary Nebulae in SMC AJ 66, 169 -1961-
LMA Lequeux, Meyssonnier and Azzopardi Quasars A&AS 67, 169 -1987-
LMH Large, Mathewson and Haslam Rd Galactic plane objects MNRAS 123, 113 -1961-
Lo Longmore V Galaxies and Planetary Nebulae MNRAS 178, 251 -1977-
Loden Loden V Open clusters Arkiv. Astron. 4, 65 -1966-
LoTr Longmore and Tritton V Planetary Nebulae MNRAS 193, 521 -1980-
LSA Lundstrom, Stenholm and Acker V Planetary Nebulae A&A 196, 233 -1988-
LT Lynds and Toomre V Ring Galaxies ApJ 209, 382 -1976-; ApJ 211, 684 -1977-, PASP 89,113 -1977-
LTNF Liebert, Tweedy, Napiwotzki and Fulbright V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 441, 424 -1995-
Lu Lu V Peculiar Galaxies AJ 76, 775 -1971-
LuSt Lundstrom and Stenholm V Planetary Nebulae A&A 138, 311 -1984-
LW Lynga and Westerlund V Star clusters in LMC MNRAS 127, 31 -1963-
Lyn Lynga V Open clusters Lund Obs. 1981-83
M Messier V Miscellaneous Mem. Acad. Royale des Sciences de Paris, 435 -1771-
M42 HH Candidate HH Objects in M 42 V Candidate HH Objects IAU Publ. 115, 341 -1987-
M87 A-E Candidate HH Objects V Candidate HH Objects ApJ 111, L93 -1974-
Ma Maehara V Planetary Nebulae Contr. Bosscha Obs. 71, 1 -1982-
MA Michigan sradio survey A Rd Miscellaneous AJ 79, 903 -1974-
MaC Mac Connell V Planetary Nebulae ApJS 33, 219 -1978- and segg.
MaCCo Mac Connell and Coyne V Planetary Nebulae Vatican Obs. Pubbl. Vol. 2, n. 5, 63 -1983-
MAFFEI Maffei IR Extragalactics PASP 80, 618 -1968-
MAI Mailyan V Spheroidal Dwarf Galaxies Astrofizika 9, 63 -1973-
May Mayer V Open clusters
MB M. Beard Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. 19, 141 -1966-
MBG Montreal Blue Galaxies V Blue Galaxies AJ 105, 35 -1993- and segg.; AAS CD-ROM Volls. 1-3
MBM Magnani, Blitz and Mundy Rd Molecular Clouds ApJ 295, 402 -1985-
MC Malin and Carter V Elliptical Galaxies ApJ 274, 534 -1980-
MC Mc Gee Rd Objects in LMC Austr. J. Phys. 25, 581 -1972-
MC 1 First Molonglo Reference Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 28 -1973-
MC 2 Second Molonglo Reference Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. Ap. Suppl. 33, 1 -1974-
MC 3 Third Molonglo Reference Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. Ap. Suppl. 33, 1 -1974-
MC o MRC Molonglo Reference Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 194, 693 -1981-
MCG Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies V Galaxies Moscow State Univ. 1962 and segg. Parts I-V; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
MCT Montreal-Cambridge-Tololo survey V Faint blue objects AJ 119, 241 -2000-
MD 1-6 M. Drinkwater V Quasars Thesis Univ. Cambridge -1987-
Me Merrill V Planetary Nebulae PASP 53, 245 -1941- and segg.
MEL Melotte V Open clusters MNRAS 86, 636 -1926-
MeWe Melmer and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae MNRAS 243, 236 -1990-
MG Manchester and Goss Rd Extragalactics Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 11 -1969-
MG MIT Green Bank Rd Extragalactics ApJS 51, 67 -1983-, 61, 1 -1986- and segg.
MG B/C MIT Green Bank List B/C Rd Quasars ApJ 494, 467 -1998-
MGP Manchado, Garcia-Lario and Pottasch V Planetary Nebulae A&A 218, 267 -1989-
MH Mezger and Henderson Rd HII Regions ApJ 147, n. 2 -1967-
MIL Milne Rd Non thermal Galactic Sources Austr. J. Phys. 23, 425 -1970-
MILN Milne Rd Supernovae remnants Austr. J. Phys. 24 -1971-
MIN 46-48 Minkowski V Emission Nebulae PASP 58, 305 -1946- and segg.
MKN (Mark) Markarian UV Extragalactics Astrofizika 3, 55 -1967- and segg.
MKW Morgan, Kayser and White V Poor Clusters of galaxies ApJ 199, 545 -1975-
MM M. Moran Rd Galactic plane objects MNRAS 129, 447 -1965-
Mof Moffat V Open clusters A&AS 7, 355 -1972- and segg.
MOHR Mohr V Star clusters in SMC Harv. Bull. 899, 15 -1935-
MOL (MLO) Molonglo Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. Suppl. 15, 1 -1970- and segg.
MR Moreau and Reboul V Quasars A&AS 111, 169 -1995-; ApJ 263, 23 -1982-
MRC Molonglo Reference Catalogue Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 194, 693 -1981- and segg.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
Mrk Markarian V Open clusters Bjur. Soob. 9, 6 -1951-
MRMG (LMRM) Manchado, Riera, Mampaso and Garcia-Lario V Planetary Nebulae Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrophys. 18, 182 -1989-
MRSL Marsalkova V HII Regions Astrophys. And Space Sci. 27, 3 -1974-
MS Medium Survey X Miscellaneous ApJS 76, 813 -1991-, ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
MSH Mills, Slee and Hill Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. 11, 360 -1958- and segg.
MUL Muller Rd Objects in CYG, ORI and SGR Pub. Univ. Bonn n. 52 -1959-
Muz Muzzio V Open clusters AJ 84, 639 -1979-
MW M. Wilson Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 156, 7 -1972- and segg.
MWC Mount Wilson Catalogue V Galactic Objects ApJ 78, 87 -1933- and segg.
MWP Motch, Werner and Pakull V Planetary Nebulae A&A 268, 561 -1993-
My Mayall V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Bull. 920, 32 -1951-
MY Miyun Rd Extragalactics A&AS 99, 545 -1993-
MYC Quasars
MyCn Mayall and Cannon V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Bull. 913, 7 -1940-
Mz Menzel V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Bull. 777 -1922-
MZZ Marano, Zamorano and Zitelli V Quasars MNRAS 232, 111 -1988-
N… (S…) V Galaxies Groups White et al. 1996
Na Nassau V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 139, 864 -1964-
NAB Neta A. Bahcall V Quasars ApJ 183, 777 -1973-
Nap Napiwotzki V Planetary Nebulae Acta Astron. 43, 415 -1993-
NB N. Branson Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 135, 149 -1967-
NEP North Ecliptic Pole Quasars ApJS 93, 145 -1994-
NGC (RNGC) New General Catalogue (Revised NGC) V Miscellaneous Dreyer -1888, RAS; Sulentic and Tifft, 1973; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
Nk Nakajima IR Objects in L 1641 MNRAS 221, 483 -1986-
NK N. Kawajiri Rd Galactic plane objects PASJ 22, 165 -1970-
NOTNI P. Notni V Blue objects Astron. Nachr. 301, 51 -1980- and segg.
NPM (NPM1G) Lick Northern Proper Motion Program V Galaxies and Quasars AJ 94, 501 -1987-
NRAO National Radio Astronomy Observatory Rd Miscellaneous ApJS 13, 65 -1966-
Ns Nordstrom V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 21, 193 -1975-
NS Neckel and Staude V Bipolar and Cometary Nebulae A&A 131, 200 -1984-
NSER Quasars (ApJ 433, 494 -1994-)
NVSS NRAO VLA Sky Survey Rd Extragalactics AJ 115, 1693 -1998-
OA-OZ Ohio Radio Sources from OA to OZ Rd Extragalactics Nature 202, 269 -1964-, AJ 72, 536 -1967- and segg.
OCL Open Cluster V Star clusters Akad. Kiado Budapest -1970-
OHSC Olszewski, Harris, Schommer and Canterna V Star clusters in LMC
OMHR O. Moreau and H. Reboul UV Extragalactics A&AS 111, 169 -1995-
OP Optical Polarization survey V Quasars ApJ 404, 100 -1993-
OTL Ooty Telescope List Rd Miscellaneous Astrophys. Lett. 9, 53 -1971-, Nat. Phys. Sci. 230, 185 -1981- and segg.
Pa Parthasarathy V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 414, L109 -1993-
PaJy Parthasarathy and Jyotsna V Planetary Nebulae Priv. Comm. 1996
PAL Palomar V Globular Clusters
Pars Parsamyan V Nebular Objects Izv. Akad. Nauk Armenian SSR 18, 146 -1965-
PB Peimbert and Batiz V Planetary Nebulae Bol. Obs. Tonantz. 2, n. 19, 12 -1960-
PB Palomar-Berger V Extragalactics A&AS 28, 123 -1977- and segg.
PBOZ Pottasch, Bignell, Olling and Zijlstra V Planetary Nebulae A&A 205, 248 -1988-
PBZ Pottasch, Bignell and Zijlstra V Planetary Nebulae A&A 177, 249 -1987-
PC Peimbert and Costero V Planetary Nebulae Bol. Obs. Tonantz. 3, n. 21, 33 -1961-
PC Palomar CCD V Extragalactics ApJ 306, 411 -1986- and segg.
PD Pike and Drake Rd Objects in CYG ApJ 139, 545 -1964-
PDCS Palomar Distant Cluster Survey V-I Clusters of galaxies AJ 111, 615 -1996-
PDF Palomar Deep Field Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 296, 839 -1998-
PDJ Parthasarathy, Drilling and Jyotsna V Planetary Nebulae -1996-
PDS Pico dos Dias Survey V Extragalactics (Faisse S. PhD Thesis, Paris -1998- ApJS 119, 239 -1998)
Pe Perek V Planetary Nebulae Bull. Astron. Czech. 11, 256 -1960- and segg.
PG Palomar Green V Miscellaneous PASP 88, 665 -1976- and segg.
PGC Principal Galaxies Catalogue V Galaxies A&AS 80, 299 -1989- and segg.
PGH Postman, Geller and Huchra V Galaxies in clusters AJ 95, 267 -1988-
PGK (Fegu) V Planetary Nebulae PASP 95, 614 -1983-
PHG Postman, Huchra and Geller V Galaxies in clusters AJ 92, 1238 -1986-
PhJa Phelps and Janes V Planetary Nebulae PASP 103, 491 -1991-
PHL Palomar Haro Luyten objects V Miscellaneous Bol. Obs. Ton. Y Tacub. 3-22, 37 -1962-, ApJ 150, 707 -1967-
PIS Pismis V Open clusters Bol. Ton. Y Tacub. 18, 37 -1959-, Vol. 5, n. 34, 219 -1970- and segg.
PK Perek and Kohoutek V-R Planetary Nebulae Acad. Publ. House of the Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague 1967 and segg.
PKS Parkes Survey Rd Miscellaneous Austr. J. Phys. 17, 340 -1964- and segg.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
PM Preite-Martinez V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 76, 317 -1988-
PMN Parkes-MIT-NRAO Rd Miscellaneous ApJS 90, 179 -1994- and segg.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4; AAS CD-ROM Volls. 2-4-6
PNG Planetary Nebulae Galactic V Planetary Nebulae Strasb.-ESO Catalogue -1992- and segg.; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
Po Pottasch V Planetary Nebulae Priv. Comm. 1996
POX Palomar Optical X source V Emission line Objects A&AS 44, 229 -1981-
PP Parsamyan and Petrosyan V Planetary Nebulae Armenian S.S.R. Acad. Sci. LI, 1 -1979-
PP Petrosyan and Petrosyan V Nebular Objects Soob. Byur. Obs. 58, 36 -1986-
PP Peckman and Palmer Rd Objects in TAU, CYG and CAS Nat. Phys. Sci. 240, 76 -1972-
PR Pearson and Readhead Rd Extragalactics ApJ 328, 114 -1988-, ApJS 98, 1 -1995-
PRA Prata V Non stellar Blue objects PASP 78, 61 -1966-
PRF P.R. Foster Rd Miscellaneous Ph.D. Diss. Univ. Cambridge 1961
PRMG Pena, Ruiz, Maza and Gonzalez V Planetary Nebulae Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrophys. 17, 25 -1989-
PRTM Pena, Ruiz, Torres-Peimbert and Maza V Planetary Nebulae A&A 237, 454 -1990-
PSS Palomar Sky Survey II V Quasars (AJ 110, 78 -1995-)
Pt Peterson V Planetary Nebulae PASP 89, 129 -1977-
Pu Purgathofer V Planetary Nebulae A&A 70, 589 -1978- and segg.
PuWe Purgathofer and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae A&A 87, L5 -1980-
QL Quigley and Large Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 134, 239 -1966-
QRM Quintana, Ramirez and Melnick V Galaxies in clusters AJ 110, 463 -1995-
QN, QS V Quasars Ph. D. Thesys, Durham 1986
R Rose V Clusters of galaxies A&AS 23, 109 -1976- and segg.
R Radio survey of the Cygnus X complex Rd Miscellaneous J.E. Winzer, Thesis Univ. Of Toronto
Raab V Open clusters
RAFGL Revised Air Force IR Miscellaneous
RASS Rosat All Sky Survey X Miscellaneous A&AS 106, 303 -1994-
RB Rood and Baum V Galaxies AJ 72, 398 -1967-
RBK Radio survey of Becker and Kundu Rd Miscellaneous Nat. Phys. Sci. 244, 138 -1973-
RBSC Rosat All Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue X Miscellaneous ApJS 129, 547 -2000-
RC Ratan Cold Rd Miscellaneous A&AS 87, 1 -1991-
RCW Rodgers, Campbell and Whiteoak V Nebulae MNRAS 121, 103 -1960-
RD Quasars (ApJ Letters astro-ph/0002338 -2000-)
RDCS ROSAT Deep Cluster Survey X Clusters of galaxies ApJ 492, L21 -1998-
RDE R.D. Eckers Rd Miscellaneous A&A 22, 309 -1973-
RDS Rood and Sastry V Galaxies in A 2199 AJ 77, 451 -1972-
Re Reynolds V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 288, 622 -1985- and segg.
Re Reipurth V Small Nebulae A&AS 61, 319 -1985-
REA Reaves V Dwarf Galaxies in Virgo cluster Ph. D. Dissert. Univ. Calif. Berkeley 1952 and segg.
REIN Reinmuth V Miscellaneous Veroff. Stern. Heidelb. 7, 175 -1916- and segg.
REIZ Reiz V Galaxies Ann. Obs. Lund 9 -1941-
REX Radio Emitting X-ray sources Rd, X Extragalactics ApJ 513, 51 -1000-
RGB RASS Green Bank X, Rd Extragalactics ApJS 118, 127 -1998-
RIC Richter V Blue objects around M 31 Veroff. Stern. Sonn. 8, 75 -1974-
RICH Richter Rd Miscellaneous Mitt. Aus dem Heinr.-Hertz Inst. 1964
RKK R.C. Kraan-Korteweg V Galaxies in ZOA A&AS 141, 123 -2000-
RLWT Rubin, Losee, Westpfahl and Tuve V Blue objects AJ 76, 1099 -1972- and segg.
RMB Rubin, Moore and Bertiau V Blue objects in Virgo cluster AJ 72, 59 -1967-
RMHB Raghavarao, Medd, Higgs and Broten Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 129, 159 -1965-
RN Ryle and Neville Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 125, 39 -1962-
RNO (Cohen) Red Nebulous Object V Small Nebulae AJ 85, 29 -1980-
RO Richter and Olsen V Quasars PASP 92, 573 -1980-
Ros Roslund V Open clusters
RPZM Ratag, Pottasch, Zijlstra and Menzies V Planetary Nebulae A&A 233, 181 -1990-
RRS Richter, Richter and Schnell V Blue objects Mitt. Karl Schwarz. Obs. 38 -1968-
RS Rood and Sastry V Galaxies in clusters
RS Richter and Sahakjan V Miscellaneous Teil I, Mitt. Karl-Schwarz..-Obs. 24 -1965- and segg.
RSCG Redshift Survey of Compact Groups V Compact Groups of Galaxies AJ 116, 1573 -1998-
Rup Ruprecht V Open clusters Akad. Kiado Budapest -1981-
RWH R.W. Hunstead Rd Miscellaneous MNRAS 157, 367 -1972-
RWT V Planetary Nebulae A&A 139, 230 -1984-
RX (RXS) Rosat X ray sources X Miscellaneous (Chin. Astron. Astrophys. 21, 146 -1997-; A&A 327, 467 -1997-; A&A 330, 25 -1998-)
S Survey of qso UBV Quasars ApJS 76, 1 -1991- and segg.
S (Sh) Sharpless V HII Regions and Planetary Nebulae ApJ 118, 362 -1953-, ApJS 4, 257 -1959-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
S1 Strong source list 1 Rd Extragalactics Astrophys. Lett. 2, 105 -1968-
S2 Strong source list 2 Rd Extragalactics AJ 77, 265 -1972-
S3 Strong source list 3 Rd Extragalactics AJ 77, 797 -1972-
S4 Strong source list 4 Rd Miscellaneous AJ 83, 451 -1978-
S5 Strong source list 5 Rd Miscellaneous AJ 86, 854 -1981-
Sa Sandqvist V Dark Nebulae A&A 53, 179 -1976-
SA Shapley and Ames V Galaxies Harv. Ann. 88, 43 -1932-
Sa 1,2,3,4 Sanduleak and Pesch V Planetary Nebulae PASP 86, 215 -1974- and segg.
SAAK Saakyan V Blue objects Astrofizika 1, 126 -1965-
SaSt Sanduleak and Stephenson V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 78, 183 -1972-
SaWe Saurer and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 69, 527 -1987-
SAX Small Astronomical X-ray satellite X Miscellaneous (MNRAS 306, L55 -1999)
SB S. Beaulieu V Planetary Nebulae Mount Strom. Obs. Thesis -1996-
SBS Second Byurakan Survey V Extragalactics Astrofizika 13, 397 -1977- and segg.
SC Sculptor-Centaurus V Dwarf Galaxies in SCL-CEN AJ 114, 1313 -1997-
SC Shapley and Campbell V Nebulae and Galaxies Harv. Ann. 85, 113 -1924-
SCH Schanberg V Peculiar Galaxies and Blue objects ApJS 26, 115 -1973- and segg.
SCHO Schoenberg V Dark Nebulae Bayer. Akad. Wissen Vol. 5, n. 26, 5 -1964-
Schu Schuster V Open clusters Priv. Comm. 1982
Sd Sherwood V Planetary Nebulae Observatory 89, 207 -1969-
SDSS Sloan Digital Sky Survey UBVRI Miscellaneous /BBOOK/
SEA Sersic and Aguero V Chains of Galaxies in CEN Astrophys. And Space Sci. 19, 387 -1972-
SER (Se) Sersic V Peculiar Galaxies and Clusters Astrophys. And Space Sci. 28, 365 -1974-
SEY Seyfert V Faint Northern Galaxies Harv. Ann. 105, 219 -1937-
SG Shaver and Goss Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 14, 77 -1970-
SG 2-3 Shain and Gaze V Diffuse Nebulae Simeiz Crim. Astrophys. Obs. Contr. 7, 93 -1951- and segg.
SG1 Shain and Gaze V Bright Nebulae Simeiz Crim. Astrophys. Obs. Contr. 6, 3 -1950-
SGC Southern Galaxies Catalogue V Southern Galaxies Univ. Texas Monograph. 4 -1985
SGP South Galactic Pole V Quasars Ph. D. Thesis Durham 1986
SHAH Shabhazian V Galaxies Groups Astrofizika 9, 495 -1973 – e segg
SHAP Shapley V Southern Galaxies Harv. Ann. 88, 107 -1935-
SHB Smith-Haenni Blue objects V Quasars A&AS 27, 205 -1977-
Sher V Open clusters
SHRV Sharov V Compact galaxies Astr. Zh. 50, 1023 -1973-
ShWi (SAWI) Shaw and Wirth V Planetary Nebulae PASP 97, 1071 -1985-
Sim Simeiz V Planetary Nebulae Sov. Astron. Lett. 4, 1 -1978-
SK Sinclair and Kerr Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. 24, -1971
SkAc Skiff and Acker V Planetary Nebulae Priv. Comm. 1996
SKK Shields, Koo and Kron UBV Quasars PASP 101, 351 -1989-
SKK Sistla and Kaftan-Kassin Rd Objects in IC 2149 MNRAS 166, 17P -1974-
SL Sandqvist and Lindroos V Dark Nebulae A&a 53, 179 -1976-
SL Sarajedini and Lee V Star clusters in LMC ApJ 450, 712 -1995-
SL Shapley and Lindsay V Star clusters in LMC Irish Astr. J. 6, 74 -1963-
SM 1-2 Saakyan and Mnatsakanyan V Blue objects Astrofizika 1, 125 -1965- and segg.
SMC Savage, Murdin and Clark V Planetary Nebulae Observatory 102, 229 -1982-
SMI Smith V Southern Nebulae Univ. Arizona Steward Obs. -1972-
Sn Shane V Planetary Nebulae Mayall list of rad. vel. 1964
SNO Snow V Groups and Clusters of galaxies AJ 75, 237 -1970-
Sp Shapley V Planetary Nebulae Harv. Bull. 902, 26 -1936-
SP Sanduleak and Pesch UV Blue objects ApJ 258, L11 -1982- and segg.
SPA Shapley and Paraskevopoulos V Clusters of Southern Galaxies Harv. Bull. 914, 1 -1940-
SPC Sersic, Pastoriza and Carranza V Southern Galaxies Astrophys. Lett. 2, 45 -1968-
SRWW Scarrott, Rolph, Wolstencroft and Walker V Planetary Nebulae MNRAS 245, 484 -1990-
SS Sadler and Sharp V Double Galaxies A&A 133, 216 -1984-
SS Struve and Straka V Galactic Nebulae PASP 74, 474 -1962-
SSV Strom, Strom and Vrba IR Infrared Objects AJ 81, 308 -1976-
St Stephenson V Planetary Nebulae PASP 90, 396 -1978- and segg.
ST Steppe H. V Quasars (ApJ 263, 23 -1982-); A&AS 87, 389 -1991-
ST Strohmeier V Galactic Nebulae Zs. F. Astrophys. 27, 49 -1950-
Ste (Sm) Stenholm V Planetary Nebulae A&A 39, 307 -1975-
Steph Stephenson V Open clusters PASP 71, 145 -1959-
Stock Stock V Open clusters ApJ
STOCK Stockton V Extragalactic Blue Condensations Ph. D. Diss. Univ. Arizona -1968-
Str Strigl V Planetary Nebulae Priv. Comm. 1996
StWr Stock and Wroblewski V Planetary Nebulae Publ. Dep. Astron.Univ. Chili 2, 59 -1972-
SuWt Schuster and West V Planetary Nebulae A&A 46, 139 -1976- and segg.
SV Sandage and Veron V Blue objects ApJ 142, 412 -1965-
SVEN Svenonius V Extragalactics Ann. Obs. Lund 6 -1937-
SW Shane and Wirtanen V Clusters of galaxies Publ. Lick Obs. 22, 1 -1967-
SwSt Swings and Struve V Planetary Nebulae Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 26, 454 -1940-
SZ V Galaxies ApJ 225, 768 -1978-
T Tifft V Galaxies in Cancer cluster ApJ 185, 115 -1973-
T Tritton V Quasars MNRAS 216, 623 -1985-
TaWe Tamura and Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae A&A 298, 204 -1995-
TB Tautenburg (objective prism survey) V Extragalactics AN 300, 31 -1979-; AN 300, 77 -1979-
Tc Thackeray V Planetary Nebulae MNRAS 110, 524 -1950-
TCSS Turatto, Cappellaro, Sabbadin and Salvadori V Planetary Nebulae AJ 99, 870 -1990-
TD Thomas and Day Rd Galactic plane objects Austr. J. Phys. Astrophys. Suppl. 11, -1969- and segg.
TDC Thompson, Djorgovski and De Carvalho V Planetary Nebulae PASP 103, 487 -1991-
Te (Trz) Terzan V Planetary Nebulae The Mess. 42, 4 -1985- and segg.
TeJu (TJ) Terzan and Ju V Planetary Nebulae The Mess. 20, 6 -1980-
TeOu Terzan and Ounnas V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 76, 205 -1988-
TER Terzan V, IR Globular clusters A&A 12, 477 -1971-
TEX (UT) Texas Radio Sources Rd Extragalactics AJ 78, 521 -1973-, AAS CD-ROM Vol. 6
Th The V Planetary Nebulae Contr. Bosscha Obs. 14 -1962- and segg.
TK Tweedy and Kwitter V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 433, L93 -1994-
To Tombaugh V Open clusters PASP 53, 219 -1941-
TOLOLO Tololo V Quasars ApJ 231, 653 -1979-
Tololo (CTIO) Tololo V Emission line Galaxies ApJS 32, 217 -1976-
TON Tonantzintla V Miscellaneous Bol. Obs. Ton. Y Tacub. Vol. 2-16, 3 -1957- and segg.
TON-N Tonantzintla North V Blue objects Bol. Obs. Ton. Y Tacub. Vol. 2- 18, 3 -1959-
TON-S Tonantzintla South UV Blue objects Bol. Obs. Ton. Y Tacub. Vol. 2-17, 15 -1958-
Tr Trumpler V Open clusters Lick Obs. Bull. 14, 154 -1930- and segg.
TrBr (TBJ) Terzan and Bernard V Planetary Nebulae Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 287, Ser. B, 235 -1978-
TS Theys and Spiegel V Ring Galaxies ApJ 208, 650 -1976-
UGC Uppsala General Catalogue V Galaxies Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Scient. Ser. V, Vol. 1 -Uppsala 1973-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
UGCA selected non UGC galaxy V Galaxies Uppsala Astron Obs. Vol. 5 -1974-
UKS United Kingdom Sources V Miscellaneous MNRAS 183, 97 -1978- and segg.
UM University of Michigan V Extragalactics ApJS 34, 95 -1977- and segg.
UN Uvx-Nvss (Ultraviolet excess -NRAO VLA Sky Survey) Rd Quasars (ApJ 520, L87 -1999-)
Upg Upgren V Open clusters PASP 77, 355 -1965-
URA Uranova V Stellar Rings Ast. Tsirk. 772, 4 -1973- and segg.
US Usher V Blue objects ApJS 46, 87 -1981- and segg.
UT Ungerechts and Thaddeus Rd Molecular Clouds ApJS 63, 645 -1987-
V Vaucher V Quasars Ph.D. Thesis Penns. State Univ. 1982
VB Vidal and Bern V Stellar Rings A&A 29, 277 -1973-
VBe (VB) van den Bergh V Planetary Nebulae ApJS 38, 119 -1978- and segg.
VBRC (BRABCMS) van den Bergh and Racine V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 179, 863 -1973-
VCC Virgo Cluster Catalogue V Galaxies in VIR AJ 90, 1681 -1985-
Vd Vandervort V Planetary Nebulae Contr. Bosscha Obs. 30 -1964-
vdB van den Bergh V Galaxies ApJ 179, 863 -1973-
VDB.66B van den Bergh V Faint blue Objects ApJ 144, 866 -1966-
VDB.66G van den Bergh V Dwarf Galaxies AJ 71, 922 -1966-
VDB.66N van den Bergh V Reflection Nebulae AJ 71, 990 -1966-; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
Ve Velghe V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 126, 302 -1957-
VERA Vega and Rabolli V Planetary Nebulae AJ 85, 1207 -1980-
VHA van den Bergh and Hagen V Southern Clusters AJ 80, 11 -1975-
VHE (vdBH) van den Bergh and Herbst V Southern Stars and Nebulae AJ 80, 208 -1975-
VKDA Vorontsov-Vel’Yaminov, Kostjakova, Dokuchaeva and Arkipova V Planetary Nebulae Astron. Tsirk. N. 716, 7 -1972- and segg.
VLA-NEP Very Large Array – North Ecliptic Pole Rd Miscellaneous ApJS 93, 145 -1994-
VLG Very Luminous Galaxy V Luminous Galaxies AJ 115, 2250 -1998-
VMT van den Bergh, Marschner and Terzian V Galactic Supernova Remnants ApJS 26, 19 -1973-
VN Vennik V Faint Galaxies A&AS 87, 261 -1996-
Vo Volk V Planetary Nebulae Priv. Comm. 1988
VRO Vermilion River Observatory Rd Miscellaneous AJ 70, 756 -1965- and segg.
VSP Van de Steene and Pottasch V Planetary Nebulae A&A 299, 238 -1995-
VV Vorontsov-Vel’Yaminov V Interacting Galaxies Moscow State Univ. Atlas -1959-
V-V Vorontsov-Vel’Yaminov V Planetary Nebulae Astron. Zurn. 11, 40 -1934-, 38, 375 -1961- and segg.
VV’ Vorontsov-Vel’Yaminov V Planetary Nebulae Mitt. Staadl. Astron. Sternb. Inst. Moscow 118, 3 -1962-
VVI Vorontsov-Vel’Yaminov and Ivanisevic V Seyfert Galaxies Astron. Zh. 51, 300 -1974-
Vy 1, 2 Vyssotsky V Planetary Nebulae PASP 54, 152 -1942- and segg.
W Westerhout Rd Galactic plane objects Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherlands 14, 215 -1958-
W (WEI) Weistrop V Faint blue Objects A&A 23, 215 -1973-
W1, 2, 3, 4 Westerbork source Rd Miscellaneous A&AS 29, 103 -1977- and segg.
WAS Wasilewski V Extragalactics ApJ 272, 68 -1983-
Wat Waterloo V Open clusters
WBL White, Bliton and Ledlow V Clusters of galaxies AJ 118, 2014 -2000-
WDM (WEED) Weedman B Blue objects near Galaxies Astrophys. Lett. 9, 49 -1971-
WE Westerbork Syntesis Radio Telescope Source Rd Miscellaneous A&A 23, 171 -1973- and segg.
WeDe Weinberger and Dengel V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 265, 249 -1983-
WEE (WDM) Weedman V Quasars Astrophys. Lett. 9, 49 -1971-; ApJS 57, 523 -1985-
Wei (We) Weinberger V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 30, 343 -1977- and segg.; PASP 107, 58 -1995-
WEIN Weinberger V, IR Galaxies A&AS 40, 123 -1980-
WENSS (WN B) Westerbork Northern Sky Survey Rd Extragalactics A&AS 124, 259 -1997-
WeSb (WeSa) Weinberger and Sabbadin V Planetary Nebulae A&A 100, 66 -1981-
Westr Westerlund and Smith V Open clusters PASP 73, 51 -1961-
WGA (1WGA) White, Giommi and Angelini X Miscellaneous IAUC 6100 -1994-; ROSAT WGA Catal-html 1995,
WhBe White and Becker V Planetary Nebulae MNRAS 244, 12P -1990-
WhMe Whitelock and Menzies V Planetary Nebulae MNRAS 223, 497 -1986-
WIL Wild V Galaxies in groups PASP 65, 202 -1953-
WK Wolf and Kaiser V Nebulae and Galaxies in PER Ver. Stern. Zu Heidelb. 6, 131 -1913-
WK Windram and Kenderdine Rd Regions around 3C sources MNRAS 146, 265 -1969-
WKB Williams, Kenderdine and Baldwin Rd Miscellaneous MRAS 70, 53 -1966-
WKG Weinberger, Kerber and Groebner V Planetary Nebulae A&A -1996-
WKK Woudt and Kraan-Korteweg V Galaxies in ZOA in preparation
WMMA Willmer, Maia, Mendes and Alonso V Galaxies in clusters AJ 118, 1131 -1999-
WP White Poor clusters V Galaxies Groups ApJ 226, 591 -1978-
WPVS Wamsteker, Prieto, Vitores and Schuster V Emission line objects A&AS 62, 255 -1985-
WRA (Wray) Wray V Emission line Southern Objects Ph. D. Diss. Northwest. Univ. 1966
WS Westerlund and Smith V Planetary Nebulae in LMC MNRAS 127, 449 -1963-
WSDH (WeDe) Weinberger, Sabbadin, Dengel and Hartl V Planetary Nebulae ApJ 265, 249 -1983-
WSLS Weinberger, Saurer, Lercher and Seeberger V Planetary Nebulae A&A 282, 197 -1994-
WSR Wolstencroft, Scarrott and Read V Planetary Nebulae Digit. Opt. Sky Surv., Kluwer 471 -1991-
XRS Second Catalogue of X-ray Sources X Miscellaneous Astrophys. And Space Sci. 82, 3 -1982-
XSF (field name) Quasars MNRAS 243, -1990-
YBD Yu, Bally and Devine V Protostellar objects ApJ 485, L45 -1997-
YC Yale Columbia plate V Southern Peculiar Objects AJ 76, 775 -1971-
Y-C (CeGi) Cesco et al. V Planetary Nebulae A&AS 11, 335 -1973- and segg.
YLW V Dark Nebulae
YM V Symmetric Galactic Nebulae ApJ 121, 604 -1955- and segg.
YW Rd Objects in Cyg-X Region ApJ 143, 218 -1965-
ZC Zwicky Clusters V Clusters of galaxies Cal. Tech. Press. -1961- and segg. Volls. 1-6; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
ZCG Zwicky Compact Galaxies V Galaxies Offsetdruk L. Speich, Zurich -1971-
ZH Zwicky and Humason V Galaxies ApJ 139, 269 -1964-
ZHGV Zabludoff, Huchra, Geller and Vogeley V Galaxies in clusters AJ 106, 1273 -1993-
ZL Zwicky and Luyten V Faint blue Objects Obs. Univ. Minn. 1967
ZOAG Zone Of Avoidance Galaxy V Galaxies A&AS 110, 269 -1995- and segg.
ZoH Zodet V Planetary Nebulae The Mess. 38, 42 -1984-
ZWG (CGCG) Zwicky Galaxies V Galaxies Cal. Tech. Press. -1961- and segg. Volls. 1-6; ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4


per facilitare la lettura

Rd           = radio
IR (or I)     = infrared
R             = red
V             = visual
B             = blu
UV (or U) = ultraviolet
X             = x-ray
Gamma   = gamma-ray


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