IC 1805

IC 1805

This image of IC_1805 was captured during the nights from October 31 to November 5, 2024, in our traveling observatory set up in a caravan. We chose the pure skies of Sicily as a setting, precisely in the Madonie Park, in Piano Battaglia, at an altitude of 1626 meters above sea level (Petralia Sottana, PA).

To create this astrophotography, we used two identical 130 mm Newton telescopes with aperture f/2.8, equipped with two monochrome CMOS cameras of the same model. The technique used is the Hubble Palette (SHO), which enhances the emissions of ionized gases.

The acquisition details are as follows:

HA: 142 exposures of 600 seconds at 7 nm
OIII: 281 exposures of 300 seconds at 6.5 nm
SII: 282 exposures of 300 seconds at 6.5 nm
The total exposure time exceeds 70 hours.
software used: Pixinsight

This work is the result of the collaboration between us, Giosi Amante and Alessandro Pensato, two passionate Sicilian amateur astronomers.

#CoelumAstronomia #Astronomia #Astrofotografia #Universo #Astronomy #Astrophotografy #Universe #Cosmologia #Cosmology

Data e Ora di acquisizione
4 Novembre 2024 alle 01:00
Filtri Utilizzati
HA: 142 exposures of 600 seconds at 7 nm OIII: 281 exposures of 300 seconds at 6.5 nm SII: 282 exposures of 300 seconds at 6.5 nm
Diametro del Telescopio
130 mm (5")
Focale di Acquisizone
364 mm
Schema Ottico del Telescopio
Marca del Telescopio
Tipo Immagine
Dispositivo di Acquisizione

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