A Blue Horsehead (IC 4592)

A Blue Horsehead (IC 4592)

Located in the constellation Scorpion, it is a reflection nebula composed of dust that is normally dark but turns blue when scattering light from nearby hot stars.
The main star, its eye is Nu Scorpii (also called Jabbah), being the main responsible for the blue coloration in the nebula.

Data e Ora di acquisizione
6 Giugno 2021 alle 20:00
Diametro del Telescopio
150 mm (5")
Focale di Acquisizone
1050 mm
Schema Ottico del Telescopio
Rifrattore Apocromatico Esprit 150 ED
Marca del Telescopio
Tipo Immagine
Dispositivo di Acquisizione
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