The image shows the core area of our nearest major galaxy, Andromeda. At the centre of the galaxy lies a supermassive balck hole. This central black hole has always been a bit odd when compared to central black holes in similar galaxies. Based on its X-ray luminosity, it is much fainter in radio waves than expected.
The image was acquired remotely via Telescope Live.
Post-processing: Pixinsight
Lum: 8*600 seconds
Red: 8*600, 10*120 seconds
Green: 8*600, 10*120 seconds
Blue: 8*600, 10*120 seconds
Total Integration Time: 6 Hours 20 Minute
Telescope: Officina Stellare 700 RC
Camera: FLI PL 16803
Mount: Officina Stellare equatorial fork mount
Filters: Astrodon LRGB Filters
Location: IC Astronomy Observatory, Spain
Data e Ora di acquisizione 12 Agosto 2022 alle 20:00 |
Condizioni del Cielo Good |
Filtri Utilizzati Astrodon LRGB FIlters |
Diametro del Telescopio 700 mm (27") |
Focale di Acquisizone 5600 mm |
Soggetti Galassia di Andromeda M31 - NGC 224 |
Schema Ottico del Telescopio RC |
Marca del Telescopio officina stellare |
Fenomeno o Evento Astronomico Galaxy |
Tipo Immagine Digitale |
Dispositivo di Acquisizione CCD |
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