Galaxy with Thousand Rubies

Galaxy with Thousand Rubies

Situated in the Hydra constellations, the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy lies around 15 million light years away. Stretching 40000 light years across, we observe a number of reddish star forming regions in its spiral arms, giving it the nickname "Thousand-Ruby Galaxy".

Telescope: Planewave CDK24
Mount: Mathis MI-1000/1250
Camera: FLI PL 9000
Filters: Astrodon LRGB Filters
L= 16 * 600 seconds
R= 6 * 300 seconds, 14 * 600 seconds
G= 6 * 300 seconds, 13 * 600 seconds
B= 6 * 300 seconds, 13 * 600 seconds

Total integration time: 10h 50m
Location: Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile
Post-processing: Pixinsight
ate of Imaging: February-August 2021

Data e Ora di acquisizione
2 Agosto 2021 alle 19:00
Condizioni del Cielo
Good seeing
Filtri Utilizzati
Astrodon LRGB
Diametro del Telescopio
609.6 mm (24")
Focale di Acquisizone
3962 mm
Schema Ottico del Telescopio
Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrograph
Marca del Telescopio
Planewave CDK 24''
Fenomeno o Evento Astronomico
Tipo Immagine
Dispositivo di Acquisizione

Altre Fotografie di questo Autore

NGC 6888
Into the Eagle
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